10 Facts You Didn't Know About PADI Open Water Diver Card
Kota Kinabalu Diving - 10 Facts You Didn't Know About PADI Open Water Diver Card. Here's what you didn't know about world's most famous scuba diving certification.
1. Owning a PADI Open Water Diver certification card is a proof you have complete your PADI training. The card is also a proof of your current training level.
2. PADI Open Water Diver Card will be issued only to new participants who certified successfully by their PADI instructor. We didn't issue this card ourselves. We submit certification to PADI and PADI will issue this card.
3. Size of this card is 100% similar to normal credit card issued in Malaysia. The physical size measurement is 85.60 mm × 53.98 mm. This size is the same size as ATM cards and other payment cards, such as debit cards.
4. Color of PADI Open Water Diver certification card is gold (in front section) showing PADI logo proudly and it will be white in back side showing diver's facial photo, diver's name, Diver ID (diving license number), certification date, name of dive center and name of PADI Instructor. You will see "Open Water Diver" lettering in white color on the top section of the card above PADI logo just like you see in image above.
5. No need to renew your PADI Open Water Diver Card. It is for lifetime and will not expire for many years to come. This is why people said "once a diver you will always be a diver" because your diver certification will not expire.
6. Your PADI Open Water Diver Card will be sent directly by PADI using normal air mail or postal mail. For our PADI Open Water Course in Kota Kinabalu, the card will be sent by PADI Asia Pacific from Australia office.
7. For PADI Open Water Course participants in mainland China, their Open Water Diver card will be issued in digital form and linked with their WeChat account. However, this only applies for PADI divers from China only, because of mailing address problems. Divers from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, still able to receive their PADI Open Water Diver certification card using normal air mail.
8. PADI Open Water Diver Card dont have any micro chip at the front side. It also does not has magnetic stripe in back side. It is made from PVC and 100% plastic same as normal credit card, ATM card and debit card.
9. You can apply for special edition design bearing beautiful designs. You must have credit card or debit card to purchase Special Edition PADI Project AWARE certification card issued by PADI. Head on to PADI website to read more information about this. To get the special edition, you will have to "replace" your old card, means you will need to buy new one which has the beautiful design and with PADI AWARE logo on it. You can apply this at Replacement PADI Certification Cards web page in PADI.com website.
10. If you lost your PADI certification card, contact us in GoAquatic so we can help.